Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sonar Review 6/13

The deployment this morning overall went very well.  The waves were much larger than the past few days; however, we were still able to get lots of good data.  The missions ran smoothly again, giving us plenty of sonar files to look at.  After an early deployment this morning, the team came back to analyze the sonar data from the last few days spent surveying.  Everyone found the data analysis and software extremely interesting.

Later in the afternoon, Dr. Gambin came over to our apartment to review the sonar data using SonarWiz.  He taught us how to look over the data carefully and distinguish what features make a target a likely wreck.

Using the TV monitor to view sonar data

Analyzing sonar data with Dr. Gambin

The rest of today will likely be coding and analyzing all of the data obtained from the last few days work.  Due to wind and wave conditions, we don't think we will be able to deploy tomorrow or Friday, but we are hopeful that we are going to get more missions in over the weekend and next week!

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ICEX 2018